
This website operates independently and is not officially affiliated with, authorized or endorsed by McDonald’s, KFC or any other fast food company. The information provided on WrapOfTheDayUK.com is based on my own research, analysis and personal experiences as a consumer.

While I strive to accurately represent menu items, nutritional details and other facts, the content curated here does not claim to be officially sourced data from the corporations themselves. I compile and fact-check details to the best of my ability using publicly available resources like corporate websites and trusted third-party fast food publications.

Any recipes or cooking methods described on this site are my own interpretations aimed at replicating popular menu items, but developed through experimentation. I cannot guarantee that following a provided recipe will produce results identical to what you’d receive from an actual McDonald’s, KFC or other restaurant location. Flavor replication is subjective.

My wrap reviews and tasting notes stem from my own purchases and personal consumption of the products discussed. All opinions and criticisms reflect my individual assessments and palate. I encourage you to try items yourself and form your own conclusions about taste and quality.

To learn more about me and the websiteClick here